Saturday, 16 October 2010

The Seven Deadly Sins

For our end of year presentation this December I had the bright idea/suggestion that, instead of reciting a 'traditional' ballet (something we've done every year at La Vive for as long as I can remember) we do a Contemporary piece. Miss E jumped at the idea however it then became my job to come up with a story/music/choreography for such a thing. At first it seemed a little daunting however I soon realised I'd probably be required to do a lot of this sort of stuff at uni next year and that this would be quite a good 'trial' for such tasks.
I have decided to do the "Seven Deadly Sins" as they are presented in the bible. I have done a fair amount of research into the topic and have discovered a lot of interesting facts along the way. This is actually the one thing I love about the bible. I don't believe a word of it but I find the 'tales' so interesting.
Choosing the topic was the easy part, it was more finding the music and editing it together to make one continuous piece. I have decided to use quotes and other speeches stolen from YouTube for the transition of each sin. For example the beginning of 'Vanity' starts with the famous line from 'Snow White' "Magic mirror on the wall, who's the fairest one of all" and for the commencement of 'Wrath' I've taken one of Lucas Scott's 'speeches' from One Tree Hill. "Does this darkness have a name, this cruelty, this hatred?" etc etc...
There is a lot of work to be done. It goes for 35 minutes in total and we have just 9 weeks to learn and rehears but I'm feeling optimistic about it, I hope I remain this way!
Stay Tuned...

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