So After my one week of well deserved rest I have spent the week back at La Vive 8am till 5pm every day!!! All I can say is praise God it's Sunday because I am positively exhausted and... Out of Choreography! (I need a 24 hour break for my creative juices to begin flowing again)
I would like to use this blog as a place to mention some of my favorite dances I'm working on at the moment, boring I know but I really have nothing else to blog about at this point!
Fave #1 Mikaylah Miller's Championship Lyrical. It's to the Song "Tell me on a Sunday" from the musical "Song and Dance". Her Parents split up a few years ago when I was still a student at La Vive and her Mum saw it coming (Dad cheated; anyone surprised?) & this song is about a woman who knows she's about to be broken up with and she sings "tell me on a Sunday please!" I think Miki will express it well, or at the least have her poor Mum sitting in the audience in tears.
Fave #2 Chenaye Meyer's Jazz Championship "Don't Rain on my Parade". The accents of the music in the piece make it perfect for Chenaye to show of her freak legs in gorgeous kicking combinations. In the bridge
"I'm gonna live and live NOW!
Get what I want, I know how!
One roll for the whole shebang!
One throw that bell will go clang,
Eye on the target and wham,
One shot, one gun shot and bam! ... She does: Fouette fouette double pirouette rpt (3 times) finishing in rand verse attitude, leading into a forward walkover landing on her knees and on the "BAM" rises up into a full bridge (feet rolled over her toes). I don't know if this reads the same as it looks like but it's pretty stunning!
Fave #3 The New Senior Jazz group "Far from over". I am loving this dance! for a bunch of little Betty's they are doing a fantastic job and it suits them SOOOOOOOOO much more than there old jazz. I actually think if we clean the hell out of it they have a chance to win!
Fave #4 14 years jazz group "Sweet Dreams" (a remix of the Annie Lennox version) We have so many 14 years students at La Vive at the moment that we've had to split them up into a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday group. My Fave is the Wednesday group. there are only 8 girls in the group but they are looking better than the other two classes who have 16. The choreography for this dance involves A LOT of cannons with the girls having to remember which count they go on for pretty much the whole dance but they are totally killing it!
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