Anyhow back to my point. I run everyday and have since I was like 9 or 10 years old? Just recently however I've started doing something completely random and (if caught rather embarrassing). I run to this forest type swamp area over the hill and a few blocks away from my house that has a pathway leading to the centre of it.(only people who grew up in Lighthouse Beach would even know about this). Once in the centre you are completely covered by trees and bush & can not be seen by anyone other than the birds and lizards. When I'm safely hidden on the inside... I dance! not like actually proper technical dancing like people would expect from me, more like crazy ridiculous "dad at a wedding" type dancing... I do this for just 5 minutes, get my stride back and off I run...
So I was doing this again today for like the 15th time since I've been home when I asked myself...what is it that has prompted this 'insane' type behavior? and the only reply I got was "Um Der Danika... because for the first time in your life you're happy!"
...................Well I never!!!!!!!
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