Well I've never been more glad to see the end of group weekend!
So many fucking dramas!
Starts off with Shae (my main senior jazz/ musical theatre girl) pulling out, due to unexplainable abdominal pain. As She is centre front/main part in ALL my routines we had to have a 7am rehearsal at the studio to replace the Open jazz, Contemporary, Cabaret, Musical theatre & Variety routines. Once this was done I had to rush to the Eisteddfod to watch my younger ones.
Due to my excellent ability to break speed limits I made it to the Eisteddfod in time only to be greeted at stage door by one of my 10 year olds with her whole arm in a cast and sling, evidently she was also unable to dance!
I then get backstage in time to prepare my girls for the Small Group 12 years and under jazz. There are supposed to be 6 girls in this dance and I only have 4 standing in front of me, Miss Elizabeth comes up to me and says "Miss Dan the other two are not coming one has a burst appendix and the other has sprained her ankle!" at which point I literally started laughing (it was either that or cry and I figured it to be too early in the weekend for tears). So in true 'the show must go on spirit' I repositioned the routine and sent them on their way.
After this things started going rather smoothly and I was thinking it was all too good to be true my 14yrs small group jazz won 1st place my 10 years jazz won 1st place and the B group got H.C & then in the dinner break one of my 14 yrs girls was messing around with her little sister and friends and some how managed to dislocate her knee, so adding one more routine I had to replace squished in the corner of a dressing room.
Finally it got to the senior sections and I was feeling relatively calm (considering the ordeal I'd been through over the previous days). The Seniors danced very well Got a 2nd for their Cabaret, 3rd in Musical Theatre, 2nd in Lyrical and HC in their Variety and then...
They decided to RAPE my new jazz routine!
Honestly I sat there in tears and when it was over I went straight to the car because I didn't want to have to talk to anyone especially NOT my students coz I actually would have verbally abused them. As I write this I'm actually still incredibly angry, it's so much worse as a teacher when your routine looks bad you take it so personally & you feel like everyone thinks it's your fault Ahhhh I'm so fucking upset & lucky for those girls I don't have to see them until Term 4 starts coz If I had to see them on Saturday I would literally lose it!!!!
I guess it's done and dusted now so there is no point dwelling on it and once I've written this blog I'm promising to just put it aside and work on making it amazing for the concert so the parents can see what it is supposed to look like.
Solos start this week and they are VERY stress free so I'm going to sit back and relax and hopefully not witness the murder of any more of my routines!