It's so fast paced like a regular city yet it has such a mystical ancient feel to it. Not to mention some of the most beautiful men and women God ever put on this earth.
Another amazing thing God put in Rome is the best Pizza in the world... MY GOODNESS HEAVEN ON EARTH!!! long live Mozzarella cheese and tomatos!!!
The city is full of beautiful reminders of it's history. The Trevy Fountain, the Colleseum, The wedding cake building (it has a real name but it's escaped me at the moment) and a whole bunch of Roman ruins randomly spread throughout the city.
Obviously I ventured to St Peters Basilica, which is one hell of a church if I ever saw one, and just our luck the day we were in Vatican city the Pope was talking so got to brush shoulders with him too! If you go, do climb to the very top just be warned it's A LOT of stairs sheesh!!
If there was only one European City to visit I think Rome just might be it!